The Infinite Wheel of Time
Amsterdam, London, Berlin2019
Participating artists:
Ana Vals, Risja Steeghs, Skye Phillips, Allen Caldeira, Vanja Dimitrova, Valentina Stocco, James Hewitt (DaMu), Djura Hight, Victoria Soto Madrid, Raoul Rade, Tashi Iwaoka, Gabor Hartyani, Gareth Hopkins, Peter Barnard, Matthew Goodsmith, Bettina Fung, Dian Jen Lin (Post Carbon Lab), Hannes Hulstaert (Post Carbon Lab), Paul Stan Nataraj, Rickie Cheuk, Ana Berkenhoff, Mara Vivas, Mirei Yazawa, Martina Bertoni, Minna Etein, Aidan Wallace, Alex Zampini, Tim van den Oudenhoven
A project by Young Blood Initiative, in collaboration with Juicy App, Resonance FM & Brouwerij ‘t Ij curated by Candy Choi, Jimena Mendizábal del Moral & Gabor Hartyani with the assistant of Sabrina Garnier & Denis Guzzo; visual concepts by Gareth Hopkins & Candy Choi.
A programme of exhibition, live performances and performance lectures.
A programme of exhibition, live performances and performance lectures.

In September 2018 the city of Hong Kong was hit by the Typhoon Mangkhu. This cyclone caused many disasters, floods and took away a lot of things but it also brought something back, tons of plastic and styrofoam refuse that covered the coasts and streets with a layer of white pollution that included 20 year old bottles. The natural disaster revealed a man-made disaster.
This event talks to us not only about our damaging influence on nature but also about the eternal return of existence. The past came back to us, and the excessive industrial production that was once seen as the gateway to the future returned to remind us that the past is never over and that the future is always the uncertain return of our past intemperance. As one environmental worker put it “The way we treat the sea will pounce back on us eventually”, this might as well be: the way we act and behave, will leap back on us eventually.
This cyclical vision of time might seem to contradict our usual perception of it as a linear succession of events, with one event being the cause of the next in an unbreakable chain of cause and effect, where the past is over as soon the future becomes the present. But as many thinkers have expressed and science has proved several times over, our perception of time as a line coming from the past and stretching away into the future is a cognitive illusion and not a feature of the universe. The construction of time is the hallmark of human consciousness, a useful way to understand our experience in the world, and it should be understood as a social construction that changes with time and geographical location.
This event talks to us not only about our damaging influence on nature but also about the eternal return of existence. The past came back to us, and the excessive industrial production that was once seen as the gateway to the future returned to remind us that the past is never over and that the future is always the uncertain return of our past intemperance. As one environmental worker put it “The way we treat the sea will pounce back on us eventually”, this might as well be: the way we act and behave, will leap back on us eventually.
This cyclical vision of time might seem to contradict our usual perception of it as a linear succession of events, with one event being the cause of the next in an unbreakable chain of cause and effect, where the past is over as soon the future becomes the present. But as many thinkers have expressed and science has proved several times over, our perception of time as a line coming from the past and stretching away into the future is a cognitive illusion and not a feature of the universe. The construction of time is the hallmark of human consciousness, a useful way to understand our experience in the world, and it should be understood as a social construction that changes with time and geographical location.
Photos by Despina Pats & Tim van den Oudenhoven