Yi Yong-nyeo

100x100 cm
Archival digital print on paper

Yajima Tsukasa  Gwangju, South Korea


Transcription under the portrait

Audio transcription

If in the future you couldn’t take me along
And you had to leave me behind
Then why did you love me?
You just let your affections flow.
Is this only for your sake?
Did only you cry?  No, I cried as well…
No, don’t leave me, you heartless man.

Ah, ah…please take care, Busan harbor
Miss Kim be well, and Miss Lee, farewell
Though I can’t promise to come
Don’t throw away the pure heart of our love, don’t throw it away
Ah, ah…I will come again to see you again, Busan harbor.

Extract from Take Care, Busan Harbor

Young Blood Initiative, 2024, All Rights Reserved